As we collectively enter into yet another year of an uncertain employment landscape, having a stand-out marketing resume will only strengthen your position in the job market.

It’s ironic, but many marketers have a hard time selling themselves. Turning the spotlight inward is difficult, but this is a skill all marketers need to perfect if they want to grow in their careers.
→ Download Now: 12 Resume Templates [Free Download]
In this article, we’ll show you both new-aged and tried-and-true methods for building the perfect resume. You’ll find resume templates and examples that have worked for our team here at HubSpot and folks in successful careers at other companies.
Qualities of a Great Marketing Resume
- Neatly formatted layout
- Well-written descriptions
- Accurate dates, locations, and titles
- Appropriate length-to-experience ratio
- Free of grammatical errors and typos
- Submitted in PDF format
A great marketing resume should be well-written, neatly formatted, and have an appropriate length-to-experience ratio. It should contain details of your employment and education as well as your unique value proposition. Depending on the company and the job, you can also add skills, certifications, and other sections to your marketing resume.
How long should my marketing resume be?
While there’s much debate about whether a resume should be one or two pages long, it really depends on how much experience you have. If you have under five years of experience, one page should work fine. Even if you have several jobs or have worked at different companies, you should be able to consolidate the marketing-specific experience onto a page and omit any roles that are not transferable.
Once you approach six or more years of marketing experience, it’s alright to have a resume of two pages. Beyond eight years of marketing experience, you’re likely aiming for a leadership role or a complex independent contributor role where a wealth of experience both inside and outside of marketing is valuable. In this case, use your best judgment to determine the length of your resume as it may be longer than two pages.
To figure out how long your resume should be, consider the following:
- Are all of the bullet points on my resume relevant to the job description?
- Does my summary paragraph (if applicable) communicate actionable skills?
- Could my summary be shorter and communicate the same information?
- Is there any redundant information on my resume?
- Can I remove any bullet points and mention this information in a cover letter?
- Can I remove any bullet points and mention this information in an interview?
With these tips in mind, let’s start crafting your marketing resume.
How to Write a Marketing Resume
If you’re a marketer whose resume could use a refresh, don’t worry. With just a few resources and some actionable tips from hiring managers themselves, we’ll help you create a truly impressive marketing resume that’s sure to stand out to recruiters.
1. Start with a marketing resume template.
To make things easy and increase your effectiveness, don’t start from scratch. Resume templates give you a starting place for layout and formatting as well as inspiration for what to include.
Featured Resource: 12 Free Resume Templates

Download 12 free designed, formatted, and customizable resume templates here. Take a look at them, and then use the advice below to customize your resume and make it rise above the rest in the stack.
Alternatively, there are resume builder tools out there that can help as well.
2. Know your target audience.
You’d never start a marketing campaign without knowing who you want to reach, right? That’s because once you know your target audience, it’s easier for the other decisions to fall into place.
The same logic applies to your resume. If you know who will read it and what’s important to them, you can shape your message accordingly. To do this, you need to think about the type of job and company you’re hoping to work for.
Ask yourself questions like:
- Is the job purely inbound marketing, or will it require outbound work?
- Will you be a specialist or a generalist?
- Who is the employer — an agency with a buzzing digital marketing team in place already, or a small company looking to leverage the power of social media to grow their sales? Or maybe it’s a marketing department within a large and established corporation?
Once you’ve outlined what’s most important to the company and job you’re applying for, you can carefully target your resume to them. You’ll know what skills or traits to highlight, what keywords to use, and which parts of your background will be most interesting to the hiring manager. (For clues about which skills different marketing roles typically require,read this blog post on marketing job descriptions. You can borrow phrasing from those for your own resume.)
3. Define your unique value proposition.
You have a unique blend of skills, characteristics, and experiences that make you different from every marketer. To create a truly effective resume, you need to define exactly what this unique blend is — we’ll call thisyour value proposition.
To develop your own value proposition, think about what separates you from other marketers. Is it your in-depth knowledge of marketing analytics? Your ability to write irresistible headlines? Perhaps it’s your talent for creating compelling videos? Or maybe you have an impressive record of using social media to drive sales growth? Whatever it is, you can use it to set your resume apart from the crowd.
To a large extent, your value proposition depends on the type of positions and companies you’re targeting. Large and small companies often look for completely different skill sets, as do companies in different industries. So as you think about what makes you uniquely valuable, and how that aligns with the jobs you’re applying to.
4. Describe impact, not features.
One of the oldest copywriting tricks in the book isFAB(features, advantages, benefits).
By selling benefits over features, you’re better able to resonate with your audience because you’re actually painting a picture of what life will be like with the product or service.
The same goes for your resume.
Whenwriting your resume copy, summarizing your experience, or formulating your objective, don’t simply rely on what you’ve done. Instead of creating a list of duties (features) under each role, outline your accomplishments (benefits). These provide a clearer picture of who they’re hiring if they choose you.
For example, instead of “Monitored SEO campaigns,” the following makes a much stronger statement: “Increased organic traffic by 56% in one quarter.”
As a result, the hiring manager is challenged to wonder, “What would life look like if we benefited from this impact?”
5. Determine your messaging strategy.
It’s crucial to determine your messaging strategy — before you write a single word of your resume. That’s what you do when you’re running a marketing campaign, isn’t it? Here are some of the things to think about:
- What is the best structure for your resume in order to highlight your value proposition?
- Which keywords will your ideal employer be looking for?
- How can you give real-world examples of your value proposition in action? (Think about campaigns you’ve run, social media successes, ideas you developed, etc.)
- What is the best layout and design to reinforce your message?
All these decisions should be made before you start writing, and they should all be made with your target audience in mind. That way you can be sure that when potential employers read your resume, it will immediately strike a chord.
6. Don’t overcomplicate things.
Just like the marketing adage says, “A confused mind says no.”
The best way to convey an idea is… simply. Even when the topic is complex.
With this in mind, consider what message you want to send and keep the copy clear and concise to support it.
Use the layout of your resume to help in this endeavor, and don’t be afraid to trim any unnecessary bits.
7. Make sure your resume gets seen.
If you don’t already have a connection at the company you’re applying to, you’ll most likely need to apply through an applicant tracking system. This process is what makes it so critical to upload it in a format that allows all recipients to read it as intended, like a PDF. That way, none of the original formatting or spacing is lost in translation, making it really difficult to read from a recruiter’s perspective. Although they’ll still have access to your resume, confusing formatting might distract them from the content.
Once you send in your resume, the computer service will scan it for relevant keywords that have been programmed in advance by the recruiter. Then, the system will recommend you or pass, depending on how many keywords and phrases are included in your resume that match what the recruiter’s looking for.
Don’t worry: Even if your resume is passed, it doesn’t mean your resume won’t ever get seen by a real human. But it’s best not to rely on that. Instead, think about which keywords the recruiter will be looking for by making a note of all of the skills you have that are relevant to the job description. Then use those keywords in your resume before you submit it.
The keywords you include might be the names of the social media sites you use, analytics orCRM systems you know, and software programs or SaaS systems you’re familiar with. Make sure you’ve included these terms as seamlessly as possible throughout your resume (where relevant), and add any outliers at the very bottom under a “Technical Skills” or “Digital Marketing Skills” section.
Marketing Resume Best Practices
- Keep it brief.
- Use simple formatting.
- Pay attention to the quality of your writing.
- Include your location. Highlight your education intentionally.
- Be consistent with company names and job titles.
- Include enough bullet points in each section.
- Don’t forget to add your dates of employment.
- Consider adding interests and hobbies.
- Let your personality and character shine.
Sure, computers may be used in the initial screening process, but it’s humans — with real feelings, pet peeves, hobbies, relationships, experiences, and backgrounds — who are ultimately reading and evaluating our resumes.
They’re also the ones who get annoyed when we don’t put our employment record in chronological order; who just don’t feel like reading paragraph-long job descriptions; and who get excited when you went to the same college as them. So to get a sense of what really matters on a marketing resume, I asked some hiring experts what they actually care about when they scan resumes, and here’s the inside scoop on the tips they shared with me. (By the way, don’t miss out on what they said aboutcover lettersat the end.)
1. Keep it brief.
Limit your resumes to one page if you can. It takes hiring managerssix secondsto decide whether they like your resume or not. If they do, they’ll keep reading. If they don’t… well, it’s on to the next. So, chances are, they won’t even get to page two.
In some cases, bleeding onto another page is OK, especially if you have a lot of really relevant experience. But if you have to do that, just don’t exceed two pages. Remember, recruiters can always look at your LinkedIn profile for the full story. (Becauseyou’ve completed your profile on LinkedIn, right?)
2. Use simple formatting.
Formatting speaks to the way candidates collect their thoughts and organize their ideas. As HubSpot’s VP of Sales Productivity and EnablementAndrew Quinnexplains it, “A candidate’s resume is their ad to me. How are they structuring this ad so I get a clear picture of what they’re capable of?”
There’s a fine line, though. You have to strike a balance between making your resume stand out and keeping the formatting consistent.
Below is an example resume with great formatting that’s easy to read. If you like the format and want to use it as your own, you can find it among ourfree downloadable resume templates here.

If you’re a creative, you might be asking, “What about graphic-heavy resumes?” Here’s the general consensus on infographic resumes: Don’t make an infographic resume. Every hiring manager I spoke with advised sticking to the classic resume form instead of infographics or other formats.
Simply put, infographics are hard to understand. Creativity is encouraged when applying for design roles, but use your portfolio to let that skill shine. Plus, you’ll have a lot more wiggle room to show off your talents outside of a static medium like a PDF version of your resume.
Below is an example of a creative format that’s still easy to read and understand. It was made using the Apple desktop appiWork Pages, which can be exported as a PDF so none of that beautiful formatting gets messed up in translation.

3. Pay attention to the quality of your writing.
Hiring managers throw away resumes with spelling errors — but writing quality goes beyond just simple spelling mistakes. Writing and presenting data in meaningful ways is a critical skill for any position, from blogging to engineering.
Are the details you want hiring managers to know about you easy to consume? Do you use concise sentences to convey your performance and accomplishments? Are your verb tenses consistent (except for current positions)? Is your language overflowing with buzzwords, or does it sound natural? Are you making sure to use first-person without using “I” or “my”? (See #11 in this blog postto understand why that’s not okay.)
“Formatting, spelling, syntax, and structure are all evidence of attention to detail,” Quinn told me. “This is important for any job, but especially if you’re applying to a job where attention to detail matters.” If you’re applying for a writing position, this is even more important.
4. Include your location.
When it comes to location, hiring managers want to know if you’ll need to relocate. If you already live near the company’s office, great! If you would need to relocate, then there are more options both you and the hiring team will need to think through. Hiring managers can’t legally ask you directly where you live — but omitting your location may raise eyebrows. Even P.O. boxes could be concerning.
If you do need to relocate, you should still include your current, out-of-town city and state on your resume, but be prepared to answer relocation status questions in an interview. If the company doesn’t offer relocation packages or remote options, will you be able to afford to take the job and move anyway?
If not, you’re better off applying for roles in your area, roles that mention relocation assistance on the application, or roles that are remote-friendly.
5. Highlight your education intentionally.
Which is more important: Where you went to school, or what you studied?
It depends on the job you’re applying for and the level of the role within the company.
In most cases, your degree should make sense for the role. Hiring managers are looking for the tie-in; what’s relevant about what a candidate’s done in school. That doesn’t mean only marketing majors can apply to marketing jobs — marketing teams might hire someone who came out of creative studies like liberal arts, graphic design, or writing. An engineering team, on the other hand, probably won’t hire someone without a computer science degree.

It also depends on how successful you were at the school you attended. While there are some hiring managers who only give interviews to graduates of top-tier schools, most say it helps to go to a top-tier school, but it’s certainly not a deal-breaker if you went to a less popular school or a community college. A community college graduate with a 4.0 GPA could be more attractive than an Ivy League graduate with a 2.0.
Speaking of GPA — when to take it off your resume is subjective. If your GPA was below a 3.0, consider removing it altogether. If it’s higher than that, Quinn says, “The benchmark is five to seven years after graduation, which is when candidates tend to have a solid track record of employment. If you did well in school but had lackluster job prospects following graduation because of, say, a bad economy, you could definitely leave it on longer.”

It goes both ways, he explained: “If you had great jobs and accomplishments following graduation but didn’t have a good GPA, consider removing your GPA earlier.”
Three to five years after college or graduate school graduation, you can move your “Education” section to the bottom of your resume — unless you connected with someone through an alumni network or if you know an executive there who also went to your school.
The same thing applies if you haven’t completed your degree.Basha Coleman, Historical Optimization Marketing Manager at HubSpot adds, “Not every job requires a degree these days. Relevant work experience and transferable skills are just as valuable. Focus on highlighting your experience so the hiring team can see your expertise.”
Want to take your marketing education to the next level and make your resume even more appealing to potential employers? Become a certified inbound marketing professional with HubSpot’s freemarketing certification.
6. Be consistent with company names and job titles.
Hiring managers will look at where you’ve worked before (do they recognize the company names or know anyone who works there?) and your titles at those companies.
“If you’re applying for a sales position at a software company like HubSpot, we’re looking for experience selling software,”David Fernandez, former Recruiting Team Lead at HubSpot, told me. “If you’re applying for a services position, we’re looking for customer-facing experience.”

Yes, people tweak their titles at previous companies to more closely match the positions they’re applying for. If you do this, your “new” title should be close enough to what you really did that if someone were to call and check a reference, they wouldn’t be dumbfounded. Maybe “Clerk to the Surgical Waiting Room” becomes “Customer Service Clerk.” Also, make sure to change your titles on LinkedIn, too — hiring managers will check for consistency on LinkedIn, Fernandez said.
7. Include enough bullet points in each section.
Each position you’ve had should be accompanied by no more than five to six bullet points. Remember, these hiring managers are scanning your resumes really quickly, so you want to make it easy for them to find and digest the relevant information by consolidating the most important points and putting them first. Paragraphs are a big no-no.
Luckily, you work in a profession where everything can be measured and analyzed, which means it’s relatively easy to tell an impressive story of success. Think about all the ways your work can be quantified through hard data and then fill your resume with action-packed bullet points that convey the value you’ve added.
Focus on accomplishments first before responsibilities and duties. If you had a senior management role, include the number of people you managed. If you built a program from the ground up, call that out.
Also, include goals and metrics that hiring managers can use to compare you against other candidates, and make sure those metrics make sense so you don’t confuse the hiring manager. Run the metrics by a family member. I’m serious. If they make sense to them, then they’re all set. If not, then you weren’t clear enough and you need to tweak the language.
Examples might be increasing social media engagement, improving SEO ROI, driving increased web traffic, reducing bounce rates, boosting landing page conversions, etc. Once you have a list of your results, choose the best four or five and turn these into bullet points like these:
- Drove 37% improvement in newsletter clickthrough rates by rewriting sales copy.
- Grew ecommerce sales 23% in just 6 months by redesigning and A/B testing all landing pages.
8. Don’t forget to add your dates of employment.
Job hopping isn’t the red flag it once was. These days, switching jobs is not only necessary for career growth but it’s often cited as one of the fastest ways to grow financially, too.
So don’t be afraid to list several back-to-back stints at different companies in a short period of time. As long as you’ve included your achievements in each role, you’re golden.
If you took longer than six months off of work, explain the gap on your resume. If it’s something like teaching or the Peace Corps that you can describe like a job, then you can insert it into your resume just as you would any other position:

If it’s something like traveling abroad or taking time off for family or personal reasons, you can simply add it in italics of parenthesis. You could also list this period as a “sabbatical”. Hiring managers just want to see a rational explanation — that you were doing something productive with your time.
9. Consider adding interests and hobbies.
Character is something hiring teams are constantly on the lookout for in the candidates they interview and hire. Although character is easily picked up on in person, it’s not impossible to get an impression of a person’s character from their resume.
To showcase character in a one-way document, Editor in Chief of LinkedIn’s Marketing Solutions Blog,Tequia Burt, encourages candidates to be confident in their ability to do the work they’re applying for. She adds, “Take pride in what you do. Don’t focus on how others will perceive you. Show them how you perceive yourself.”
Burt continues, “Be real. Be yourself. Be the best at what you do and let that shine through in your resume.” The perfect way to do this is by sharing interests and hobbies.
10. Let your personality and character shine.
Whether you should include interests and hobbies on your resume depends on the company culture and the job. If you’re applying for a creative role, hobbies like photography and painting could be interesting to an employer. If you’re hiring for an accounting role, then a hobby like skydiving wouldn’t be good to include — hiring managers might categorize you as a risk-taker, and do they really want a risk-taker managing their money?
“Think about the conclusions someone could draw from your hobbies relative to the role you’re hiring for,” Quinn advises. “Do they enhance or detract from the image you’re trying to convey? If you know the culture embraces unique individuals that have a broad background and set of interests, then it could be useful information. But conservative organizations probably don’t care what you do in your free time — in fact, they could interpret outside hobbies as distractions.”
Companies with cultures like HubSpot’s want their employees to have some personality and invest in outside interests. So if you’re applying to join that kind of culture, an “Interests” or “Hobbies” section could benefit you.
Before including or omitting this section on your resume, gain some intelligence about the company’s environment and culture. (And check outHubSpot’s culture codeif you haven’t already.)
Outdated Resume Practices
Once you’ve created your resume, you should double check it for errors, mistakes, clarity, or inaccuracies. Use this checklist to ensure your resume presents you and your experience in the best light to marketing recruiters and hiring managers.
1. Using personal statements and objectives.
In fact, we recommend skipping these altogether. Frankly, they’re irrelevant. I’ve spoken with HubSpot recruiters about numerous times where candidates put the name of another local company on there — huge mistake.
Instead, replace it with a “Skills” or “Key Skills” section at the top of your resume, in column format, that highlights the top six to nine skills applicable to the role you’re applying for. Be sure to change these skills for each job and use the job description as a guideline.
Don’t plagiarize the job description by any means, but you can pull out key phrases. For example, in the example below, one of the listed skills is “Deep understanding of the consumer lifecycle.” That’s because the job description asked for exactly that: a deep understanding of the consumer lifecycle and customer journey.

Pro Tip: Although you should leave this section off your resume, you should have something in the ‘Summary’ section of yourLinkedIn profile. Focus this section on specific skills and achievements. It’s a good place to put a link to your portfolio, blog, SlideShare presentations, or examples of work you’ve created like open-source code.
Use that space to talk about specific achievements from previous roles, awards you’ve won, or projects you’ve worked on. The information and skills on here should be applicable to where you’re headed in your career, not irrelevant past skills. (When I first heard this tip, I immediately took “emergency medicine” off of mine.)
2. Sending an editable file.
This is a big no-no for any industry, but especially marketing. Sending an editable resume file carries many risks:
- It could lose its formatting, making it difficult to read.
- It could accidentally be edited or have content deleted.
- It requires the recruiter to make a few extra clicks to open and download the file.
Instead, submit your resume as a PDF anytime someone asks to see it or when you’re applying for a role. Your resume is your professional reputation on paper, so be sure you’re the only one who can change it.
3. Submitting a cover letter.
Cover letters vary in importance, depending on the industry or company to which you are applying. Many companies that require you to write a cover letter will read it, but they’ll focus mostly on your resume.
With this in mind, it’s best practice to draft a cover letter just in case. And you don’t need to create one from scratch for each role. Basha Coleman suggests creating a cover letter template. “This can be the base of your cover letter, but it still gives you enough room to customize. That way, you don’t feel as overwhelmed when you realize the job description requires a cover letter.”
Here’s the cover letter template she created as a new marketer applying to roles in her first few years after college:

Marketing Resume Examples
It can be hard to visualize your experience on a blank resume template. These marketing resume examples were sourced from professionals with various years of experience and marketing disciplines. Take a look at how each of them format their skills for the job and take note of the tips we share about how you can implement them on your resume.
1. Natalie Gullatt

Natalie Gullatt has more than five years of experience on her one-page resume—quite a feat for ambitious marketers. She’s able to convey all of her expertise concisely because she takes a more traditional approach with her resume layout, abandoning fancy frills in favor of hard-hitting copy. She expertly conveys her marketing impact with metrics (e.g. “decrease[d] costs by 61%” and “generated a $746k revenue pipeline”) so that anyone considering her for the role can ask themselves: “What if she could do that for us too?”
Make it your own:Use a simple resume format, 10-12pt font size for the body copy, and use actionable statements with quantitative wins.
2. Andrea Fitzgerald

On this version of her resume, Andrea Fitzgerald uses her page space effectively to display three years of experience with listed items on the left and descriptions on the right. This makes the rest of the resume easier to skim. This is a plus, as hiring managers can quickly find the information they need to identify if she’s a good fit for the role.
She also summarizes her achievements in bite-sized sentences which makes them easy to find and discuss if she makes it to an interview round.
Make it your own: Segment your resume into two vertical columns. Use color to distinguish between roles, companies, and timeframes to give this layout a visual hierarchy.
3. Jess Johnson

Jess Johnson applied to HubSpot with this resume, tailored to the job and company branding. By taking this unique approach, her goal was to stand out from other applicants. While her resume wasn’t the only factor in her landing the job, I imagine it gained a bit of attention. After all, a hiring manager is looking for applicants they can picture in the position.
Make it your own: Customize your resume template with the logo and color scheme of the company you’re applying to to help you stand out.
4. Sarah Casdorph

There’s an old saying out there for keeping resumes to one page, but for marketers with extensive experience, the one page isn’t always possible without compromising readability and design. At the same time, anything on the second page is at risk of being ignored.
Sarah Casdorph solves for this, putting top skills on the front page and pulling out “notable impacts” for each position. Not only is her two-pager easily navigable, but there’s a clear trail of achievement.
Make it your own:If you have 6+ years of experience or are applying to a leadership role, go in-depth about your related experience (even if it means using two pages).