Legal Notice: DAH Notifies Individuals of Data Security Incident

 On or about June 1, 2023, Discovery at Home (DAH) became aware that a team member had fallen victim to a phishing email scheme which resulted in the inadvertent transmittal of personal health information via unencrypted e-mail to an unauthorized third-party sender. DAH has worked diligently to determine exactly what happened and what information was involved as a result of this incident.

Upon discovery, we immediately secured the email accounts in question and took steps to prevent further unauthorized disclosure. As part of our ongoing commitment to the security of personal information in our care, we are working to implement additional safeguards and security measures to enhance the privacy and security of information in our systems.

At present, there is no evidence that any personal information has been misused; however, elements of personal information that may have been compromised included: name, address, date of birth, medical information, including your dates of service, certain treatment-related information, and health insurance information, insurance beneficiary number, claim number and policy number. Please note that social security numbers were not affected by this incident. 

DAH mailed notification letters to affected individuals who DAH maintained an address for on July 31, 2023. The letters included additional information about what occurred, outlined the specific personal information that could have been exposed, and provided a phone number that individuals can call to learn more about the incident. DAH’s representative, Experian, can be reached at 844-955-2743 and is available Monday through Friday 9 am – 11 pm EST, Saturday and Sunday 11 am – 8 pm EST (excluding major U.S. holidays).

 “The privacy and protection of sensitive information is a top priority for us.” Says Dan Cundiff, President, Discovery at Home, LLC.

SOURCE Discovery at Home

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